Saturday, April 30, 2016

Promenade #5: Place de la Concorde: The Guillotine and More

Bonjour tout le monde!
This is the second walk I did for my French class, but the fifth one in my book of walks. It was a little less exciting than the first one, but wonderful nonetheless.
1. Palais de l’Elysée
Palais de l'Elysée

This walk started at the statue of Charles de Gaulle and we went toward the Palais de l’Elysée, France’s “White House” for the president. This palace was beautiful. The sidewalk next to the Palais de l’Elysée is not open to the public and it is very well-guarded.

2. U.S. Embassy
After a small walk while window-shopping at many boutiques such as Yves Saint-Laurent and Chanel, I passed the U.S. Embassy. The U.S. Embassy is also a very well guarded building.

3. Place de Concorde
   Construction of Place de Concorde began in 1575. This was the site of the guillotine and it was where many people were killed such as Marie Antionette. In the center of the Place de Concorde there is the Luxor Obelisk, a gift from Mohammed Ali to Charles X in 1829.
Place de Concorde
The Obelisk (on the left)
4. Musée de l’Orangerie
One of the Nymphéas paintings
After the Place de Concorde I went inside the Musée de l’Orangerie. It is here that the beautiful paintings, the Nymphéas (the water lilies) by Monet are kept. There are also many other beautiful paintings with styles ranging from impressionism to cubism.

5. Jardin de Tuileries
Part of the Jardin de Tuileries
This is the beautiful garden that is also in front of the Louvre. At the end of the garden is the Arch de Triomphe du Carrousel. This garden contains many statues, two circular ponds, one at each end, and many different trees and some flowers.

À bientôt,

Claire Hunsaker

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